Of the three pillars of sustainable development there are two that barely get their fair share of research and consideration by Coastal Management plans and studies. However, social and economic issues are, by and large, those that the public has most interest in: how to access our desired lifestyle, housing, education, motoring, crime, jobs, gender issues, food, entertainment, immigration, health, sport or travel, are at the top of most peoples priorities although environmental well-being and risks are admittedly creeping up this scale…
This is why we have decided to embrace a cross sectoral approach to our Editorial Strategy for CoastWeb. Each month we’ll be addressing Coastal Management issues through everyday topics, we’ll be highlighting relations between sectors, issues and projects and providing opportunities for thinking out of the box, sharing ideas and perhaps doing things together.
In addition to the CoastWeb page on the Internet, our monthly online CoastNet newsletter will be sent directly to your mailbox. Then, you may also benefit from other features such as: stories, a “coastal person of the month” interview, tools and techniques, perspectives, recommendations of books and films, Coastal Management project information, notice board with jobs, events and recent publications, etc. To subscribe send us an email to: admin@coastnet.org.uk.
February’s focus will be on social issues, specifically on migration. Enjoy your reading and happy thinking!
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