Welcome to CoastWeb News – an editorial backed community news service that delivers unique stories on the important issues facing the coastal audience.
How Epoxy Flooring Benefits Your Business
Are you tired of your cracky old industrial floors? But still want your business going? Then Epoxy flooring is your best solution!
Epoxy floor coatings are hard wearing and durable solutions for both commercial and industrial flooring. A way of sealing and guarding your concrete floors along with the coating that can prolong its life. These floor coatings can be applied over concrete floors to provide a high performance, attractive surface, and also achieve an excellent glance. Read More
Climate Change: perceptions around the world
Ready for some really interesting opinions? Singapore, South Africa, Ukraine, Jamaica, Phillipines, Oman…and Switzerland! are a few of the 18 nations around the world from which coastal professionals have responded to our opinion survey. We asked them about how the people of their country perceive climate change will affect them and if the media is playing an important role. Read More
Coastal person of the month: Prof. Peter Burbridge
Professor Emeritus for Coastal Management at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK,Peter has shared with us his ideas and insight gained through more than 35 years of experience teaching and working in the field of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Peter explains to Manuela de los Rios why global change rather than climate change, the difficulties of ICZM in developing nations, future challenges for Coastal Managers. Read More
CoastNet calls for ICZM within the Marine Bill
CoastNet attended last month to a seminar in Westminster about the Marine Bill. Dr Rhoda Ballanger of Cardiff University, a panel member for the debate and a CoastNet Trustee, expressed her fears regarding the difficulty of ‘zipping up’ the marine and terrestrial management systems. Read More
Coastal project of the month: ENCORA
This month CoastNet will be telling you about ENCORA, a challenging and innovative project in Coastal Research. It is a European Network on Coastal Research, an EU Framework Programme about “Integrating and strengthening the European Research Area”. Read More
Surprise…a peep into CoastNet’s diary (CoastNet in Action!)
We’ve been very busy since our last newsletter was released, would you like to have a peep into our diary? Read More
Recommended reading for Coastal Managers
Is cooperation against human nature? Job Dronkers, from the National Institute for Coastal and Marine Management from The Netherlands (RIKZ) recommends a thought provoking reading for coastal managers that want to understand more about social interactions. Read More
Welcome to CoastWeb monthly
Of the three pillars of sustainable development there are two that barely get their fair share of research and consideration by Coastal Management plans and studies What is CoastNet going to do about this? Also find out how to suscribe to our new NEWSLETTER. February’s focus is on social issues, specifically on migration. Enjoy your reading and happy thinking! Read More
Governance, Migration and Coastal Management
How many times have we heard in Coastal Management conferences, meetings and workshops: “We need the public to know what is happening in their coastal areas”, “We need a more diverse and larger number of people involved” “ We need to enable effective decision making”? But how well do coastal managers and professionals know the public they are supposed to be working with? And how do they facilitate their participation? Read More
COASTAL MIGRATION, a human perspective. A quick overview of migration and its implications in coastal environments.
Have you been talking lately about the EU enlargement, holidays, refugees, job seeking, commuting to work, meeting, family, retiring? Then you’ve been talking about migration. If international immigrants – nearly 200 million – lived in the same nation this would be the fifth largest on our planet, more populated than Brazil or Russia!… Read More
WaveNet expands in the North Sea
WaveNet (www.cefas.co.uk/wavenet) has developed a further six bous in the the North sea with sites from Kentish Knock in the Thames Estuary to the Tyne. Read More
EC Green Paper on Maritime Policy: new challenges and opportunities for our coast and seas
The EC calls for the public, businesses and institutions to get involved in the development of their ambitious vision for an integrated Maritime Policy. The CoastNet conference, hosted by the Marine Institute in Galway, brought together over 100 professionals through the COREPOINT partnership, who passionately debated the challenges and solutions. Concern was expressed about reinventing the wheel, and the meeting called upon the EC to learn from the experience already gained in integrated coastal zone management. Read More
Compensation for Coastal Flooding and Erosion
Minister makes long-awaited call for dialogue on coastal erosion compensation Read More